John Lasseter Interview

In this recent interview John Lasseter, director and the chief creative officer at Pixar and Walt Disney Studios, talks a little about the next pixar movie “Brave”, the early ages of his studio, what he likes to see in a movie, his friendship with Steve Jobs and even slips out about a possible movie with dinossaurs.

John Lasseter: “He always said (Steve Jobs), John, ‘the way people feel about our brand’, Pixar, it’s the same as he felt about Apple, ‘It’s like a bank account, we have the oportunities to put deposites in the bank account, the way people feel about our company, by doing a great product, something they really love or we can do with draws, putting something at there that we know it’s not good enough and still putting our name on to it, and if you do too many with draws, you are bankrupt’. And he said, ‘we got to make every single thing we do, has to be great, again and again and again.'”

Worth watching, really inspiring

MyPaint, Krita and Blender

Hey, i’m back, after a while without posting, i want to share somethings that i’ve found that may be useful to some people (i just stopped trying to please everyone :D), the first one it’s a free program called “Krita” that i’ve found just yesterday in my “daily escavation” on the web, i don’t remember where i’ve found it at first, but i believe that was somebody on twitter, anyway, here is a demonstration by David Revoy of the software. Continue reading

Como funciona a produção de uma animação 3D

Wall-e (Pixar)

Animações 3D (feitas com computação gráfica) estão ganhando cada vez mais espaço no cinema, desde Toy Story lançado nos Estados Unidos em 1995 que arrecadou mais de 361 milhões de dólares em todo o mundo, o gênero se afirma como um dos mais lucrativos. Há controvérsias sobre esse ser o primeiro filme em computação gráfica, porém foi o de mais sucesso.

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