MyPaint 1.0

MyPaint 1.0 is out!… Ok, i know it’s out a long time by now, so long time, November 22, 6 days ago, this awesome software was released. I’ve read the news, but i didn’t went for the download section for no reason, then i found that there’s a windows build too yay!

What’s new in this version? Well, a few things, but the one that really makes some difference is the anti-aliasing, yes, now it works in windows, AA is present on linux build since i tested 0.9.1 on it, so for me that’s the big thing, but the interface is also cleaner, what helps a lot on just focus in drawing, you can change colors, brushes, properties so much easier. A good tip that helps a lot, is to put your default zoom to 25% and press F11 to go fullscreen or just hit the button at top right corner, it may cause some problems depending on your system or graphic tablets drivers, but generally it work.

Grab a build and have funĀ

(Thanks Guilherme Pupo, for helping me with my blindness)