John Lasseter Interview

In this recent interview John Lasseter, director and the chief creative officer at Pixar and Walt Disney Studios, talks a little about the next pixar movie “Brave”, the early ages of his studio, what he likes to see in a movie, his friendship with Steve Jobs and even slips out about a possible movie with dinossaurs.

John Lasseter: “He always said (Steve Jobs), John, ‘the way people feel about our brand’, Pixar, it’s the same as he felt about Apple, ‘It’s like a bank account, we have the oportunities to put deposites in the bank account, the way people feel about our company, by doing a great product, something they really love or we can do with draws, putting something at there that we know it’s not good enough and still putting our name on to it, and if you do too many with draws, you are bankrupt’. And he said, ‘we got to make every single thing we do, has to be great, again and again and again.'”

Worth watching, really inspiring

What Makes Things Funny

“Humor is beneficial, it makes you happy and it helps you cope with pain, stress and adversity”

Peter McGraw,Consumer Psychologist talks about why we see some things as funny, he made his point, it’s not easy task to make a crowd laugh. I’m very interested in psychology, knowing how the mind works, why we do things, etc. In this case, i think we can see this as a tool to manage our projects, even our lives.What about if you could make your client laugh at a meeting? Someone we have interest in? Or help someone that is going trough hard times? Humor can change everything.

As a friend of mine said one time “Humor makes everything more bearable”.


“Humor é benéfico, ele nos faz feliz e ajuda a suportar a dor, stress e adversidade”

Peter McGraw, Consultor de Psicologia do consumidor fala sobre o porquê vemos algumas coisas como engraçadas, ele sabe o que fala, não é fácil fazer uma platéia rir. Eu sou muito interessado por psicologia, saber como a mente funciona, porque fazemos as coisas, etc. Nesse caso, eu acho que dá pra ver isso como uma maneira de conduzir projetos, e até nossas vidas. Se pudéssemos fazer um cliente rir em uma reunião? Alguém que a gente tem vontade de conhecer? Ou ajudar alguém que está passando por tempos difíceis? Humor pode mudar tudo.

Como um amigo meu disse uma vez “O Humor torna tudo mais tolerável”

MyPaint 1.0

MyPaint 1.0 is out!… Ok, i know it’s out a long time by now, so long time, November 22, 6 days ago, this awesome software was released. I’ve read the news, but i didn’t went for the download section for no reason, then i found that there’s a windows build too yay!

What’s new in this version? Well, a few things, but the one that really makes some difference is the anti-aliasing, yes, now it works in windows, AA is present on linux build since i tested 0.9.1 on it, so for me that’s the big thing, but the interface is also cleaner, what helps a lot on just focus in drawing, you can change colors, brushes, properties so much easier. A good tip that helps a lot, is to put your default zoom to 25% and press F11 to go fullscreen or just hit the button at top right corner, it may cause some problems depending on your system or graphic tablets drivers, but generally it work.

Grab a build and have fun

(Thanks Guilherme Pupo, for helping me with my blindness)

MyPaint, Krita and Blender

Hey, i’m back, after a while without posting, i want to share somethings that i’ve found that may be useful to some people (i just stopped trying to please everyone :D), the first one it’s a free program called “Krita” that i’ve found just yesterday in my “daily escavation” on the web, i don’t remember where i’ve found it at first, but i believe that was somebody on twitter, anyway, here is a demonstration by David Revoy of the software. Continue reading

Como funciona a produção de uma animação 3D

Wall-e (Pixar)

Animações 3D (feitas com computação gráfica) estão ganhando cada vez mais espaço no cinema, desde Toy Story lançado nos Estados Unidos em 1995 que arrecadou mais de 361 milhões de dólares em todo o mundo, o gênero se afirma como um dos mais lucrativos. Há controvérsias sobre esse ser o primeiro filme em computação gráfica, porém foi o de mais sucesso.

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Onde achar tutoriais sobre CG

Muitas pessoas quando estão começando a estudar seus softwares, acabam se deparando com a falta de sites que têm materiais de qualidade, principalmente no caso de ser um open source, que a maioria de seus tutoriais e estudos são produzidos por outros usuários.

Por esse motivo, resolvi fazer dar essa “mãozinha” para quem tá começando ou quem tá precisando saber como faz isso ou aquilo. Espero que seja útil à todos:

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